June 17, 2013

Amazing Retreats by Jeanne d'Arc Living

Dreaming of a summer retreat away from home?  Amazing Retreats is a book released last year from JDL and is filled with lovely images of cottages, cabins, lake houses and shacks by the shore and in the mountains.   

It happens to be my personal favorite of JDL's books and that is why I brought it back!  If you missed out the first time around you can get it here.

A little more color and casual feel...down to earth.

Just the way I like it. 

How about you? 



  1. Oh I love those photos... I could SO live in any one of those relaxing spots!... hope you are enjoying Summer... loved seeing your beach cottage again in my Summer JDL!... xoxo Julie Marie

  2. Well hello...had to come by after seeing your stunning home in JDL..one of the prettiest I have ever seen...you have so much talent! Going back to poke around your blog...all the best from Canada!!

  3. I love the vintage linens on the clothes line, perfect!


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